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Big Pharma Is Winning! Are You Losing? Weight Loss Prescription Drugs Forecasted To Reach 200 Billion By 2031

If you're struggling with weight loss resistance, you may have been to the doctor, where they're using that outdated tool called the BMI to determine whether you're overweight or obese. The doctor tells you your weight and then places you in a category. It's a one-size-fits-all approach. They often tell you to exercise more and eat less. I'm here to tell you that weight loss resistance is real, and it could be due to your microbiome.

Do You Need A Reset?

Maybe your microbiome needs a reset. We know that 80 percent of the immune system is in the gut. We'll discuss that more later. Perhaps you have GI issues, and you've been scoped every which way by a GI doctor. Maybe you've even gone to the ER, only to be sent home because nothing was found. When it comes to nutrition, we need to wake up and act like we are in the 21st century.

It shouldn't be this way, and that’s why I always say, "test, don’t guess." You can tell a friend about the show, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you’ve hit a brick wall with conventional medicine, guess what? You’re in the right place. We’re going to talk about ADHD, diet, and the gut today. We’ll also discuss how Big Pharma profits from gimmicky weight-loss drugs. If you’re stuck with conventional medicine, it's time to dig deeper. Be proactive about your health.

Many of you may not have heard about leaky gut or gut dysbiosis (big word alert!). Dysbiosis means leaky gut, where the junctions in your GI tract are more open than they should be. We can use natural remedies and nutraceuticals to help seal the gut.

If you've been on antibiotics even once in your life, you should probably do a microbiome test. Antibiotics kill the bad, but also the good bacteria we need to absorb important nutrients.


If you've walked out of the doctor’s office feeling like you've hit a brick wall, or if you’ve been told you have a generic diagnosis like IBS after numerous tests, I'm here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re suffering from GI issues, joint pain, brain fog, fatigue, or are just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, you’re in the right place.

We’re going to dive deep into ADHD, gut health, and how important micronutrients and the microbiome are. It might be time to give your microbiome a reset. You’ve probably heard the saying "death by a thousand cuts"—that’s what happens when we consume the processed junk in our food. There are over 3,000 chemicals and additives allowed in our foods that are banned in other countries.

Becoming Proactive With Your Health

If you’ve hit a wall with your doctor, remember: they sell apples; I sell oranges. If you need your gallbladder removed, you're going to conventional medicine, and rightly so. Conventional medicine is great when you have a serious problem—if they can diagnose it. But sometimes, you must be your own health advocate.

When you consume all these chemicals in your food, they catch up to you in the form of obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease, etc. I’m here to tell you it’s time to turn things around and be proactive about your health.

Personalized nutrition is based on the concept that one size does not fit all. Differences in our genetics, prenatal experiences, health history, lifestyle, nutrient intake, metabolism, food sensitivities, and our microbiome contribute to individualized responses to diets and nutrition. This means our genes, biochemistry, metabolism, and microbiome are different for everyone. The one-size-fits-all approach is outdated, but it's still used in conventional medicine.

We are in the 21st century, and when it comes to nutrition, we should be testing—not guessing—to determine the exact foods, drinks, and supplements we should or should not be consuming. The BioUnique Boutique Program involves understanding chronic diseases, individualized biochemistry, and how food is metabolized differently for each person.

We all have different enzymes, metabolic pathways, and liver detox systems. Yet when we can’t lose weight, the doctor tells us to exercise more and eat less, relying on that outdated BMI tool. Common sense isn’t so common anymore.

At the BioUnique Boutique, we test, not guess, to determine how food is metabolized differently for each person. We develop individualized nutrition strategies that are customized based on testing. While food is packed with nutrients that nourish and heal, it can have the opposite effect when it disagrees with our bodies. So remember, test, don’t guess. Make a free call with me at, and don’t forget to download my free guide on the best breads to buy.

Big Pharma is Cashing In

There may be more similarities between Big Pharma and organized crime than you think. If you believe Big Pharma has your health in mind, it's time to reconsider. The industry has been filled with examples of wrongful deaths, fraud, corruption, and enormous fines that don't stop the corruption.


Now, Big Pharma is cashing in on weight-loss drugs. These drugs are a goldmine, just like pain medications were, and we know how that turned out. Several companies, like Amgen and Pfizer, are launching new products in the weight-loss space, aiming for billions in profits by 2031.

These commercials touting weight-loss medications are everywhere, but they don't tell you the full story. You can achieve weight loss naturally with the right probiotics, which offer the same GLP-1 effects as some of these drugs without the side effects. But Big Pharma doesn’t want to talk about that.

Weight loss isn't about taking a magic pill. It's about doing the hard work. There is no easy button. You’ll lose fat, but you'll also lose muscle, and when you're done with the diet, your metabolism will be slower. These drugs cause catabolism, where your muscle mass is broken down, which slows your metabolism even more.

I’m here to help you increase your muscle mass while losing weight. That’s the difference between gimmicky weight-loss drugs and working with me. Test, don’t guess. Schedule a free call at I was put on this earth to change the way you think about food. Schedule a call today!

Episode Transcript


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