Your Diet Do Over
Stop Feeling Weight Loss Resistant & Resolve Your GI Issues by joining our 8-Week Program that will show you step by step how to transform the way you live and feel without dieting!
Use promo code RADIOMEG to get $100 off and get lifetime access for just $397!
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A 6-week program with Nutritional Guidance & Support, along with my simple
5 Step proven methodology so that you can:
Stop feeling Weight Loss Resistant: Overweight, Obese, Pre-Diabetes, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, high cholesterol, etc
Lower or completely "get off" your high-priced prescription medications
Heal your Chronic GI issues: constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc
Stop feeling tired and lacking energy
Make healthy meals in minutes vs. hours
Stop Guessing what foods you should or should not be consuming
So that you can start losing weight, have a ton of energy & have fantastic digestion
Before I tell you about this
LIFE-CHANGING PROGRAM, let's talk about WHO this is really for...
You have tried several different diets. You feel like you have been on them all. You are experiencing Weight Loss Resistance (WLR)
You are sick of waking up with a food hangover. Only to see you gained another pound. You try on 15 outfits in the morning (and none of them really fit)
You are a high power person who is sick of not being 100% because of your GI distress: bloating, constipation, gas etc
You are uncomfortable when you look at yourself, and that's why you have stopped having sex with your spouse or partner
You have trouble sleeping: feel like falling asleep at your desk at work, "Wired and Tired", wishing you could play all day with your grandchildren (or at least several hours)😍 but you just don't have the energy
You are tired of feeling sick and tired. You want your life back!
You know in your heart, that if you get the correct nutritional guidance things will shift. So that you can have fantastic digestion, tons of energy and stop the weight loss resistance.
You wish to go from feeling socially isolated, anxiety-ridden, powerless & doubtful, to feeling POWERFUL & GREAT in your own skin.
You know that you can NOT do this alone (this "do it yourself" thing is just not working.)
Your desire for long-lasting weight reduction and OR No more GI distress & unlimited energy is awaiting.
If you are experiencing any or all of these things.
You're in the right place.
I'm going to tell you exactly how Your Diet Do Over (YDDO) will give you the tools you need.
When you join Your Diet Do-Over (YDDO) you will gain access to a ton of amazing resources (listed below) that you get LIFETIME ACCESS to and can dive into at your own convenience throughout this self-paced course:
Workout Suggestions: I will have resources and methods that are tried and true. Such as, set up your calendar by filling in your other commitments. We will automatically add workouts around them
Nutrition Calculator: Find your target calories and recommended amounts of essential nutrients for the goals you set
Recipes Galore: Once you've discovered your nutrition targets, you've still gotta eat🍳🥨☕🍵🍴🍽🥝. You may think that recipes from Meg are the answer to your health goals. While they may help ( and I will provide many) the recipes are not the answer to your unhealthy relationship with food
PDFs: Over 40 plus healthy snack suggestions. Examples of how to substitute yummy treats like ice cream or chips. No deprivational BS shakes, or cultish Weight Watcher's tactics here. No BS suggestions like "Use a smaller plate"
Abundant Resources: We will be going over these and so much more!
Sleep Hygiene Tips and Good Practices
Discussing Shame and How To Overcome Shame
Label reading
The best loaves of bread to buy
Learn why Stevia is so processed and not as safe as you think
Meditation Resources
Emotional Eating Resources and Tips
Harmony With Food Journal
Instead of spending the rest of your life going on and off diets! Then feeling ashamed and disappointed that you gained all the weight back, "and then some"
Stop telling yourself: "I will start my diet Monday". Because we both know that you won't. Thousands of clients have told me they wish they knew about my "non-diet" approach sooner
Learn how much protein, fat, sodium, simple carbs, and complex carbs you need for your body. Without counting, weighing, or ruminating about food
So that you can show off your new rockin' body by summer. BTW, if you go to the beach and you have a body. You have a beach body!
Instead of feeling too tired to watch or play with your grandkids or falling asleep at your desk at work
Your Diet Do Over
Research says that 92% of people fail to meet their New Year's goals. I am here to ensure you are in the 8% who SUCCEED!!!!!!
Do not wait for Monday for your diet to start.
If you are seeking permission to invest in your growth, your vision and rebuild your mindset & to move forward intentionally-give it to yourself!!!!
Do this! So you can go from being powerless to being POWERFUL!
USE PROMO CODE: RADIOMEG to get $100 off
our Self-Paced Program with LIFETIME ACCESS!
(Regular Price $297.00)
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I believe eating should be enjoyable
My job is to make eating healthy a "no brainer"
No counting, weighing, or buying processed crap. No BS starvation or shakes here. Do not be a victim of the 80 billion-dollar-a-year dieting industry
You are powerful, not powerless
I may be tough on you. That is my job. We will have "Hot Seats" where I will be putting you or other members of YDDO on the spot ( if you chose not to be put be in a "Hot Seat", I understand). After all, this is a judgment FREE zone. Just know, it is all done with
💗💗💗LOVE 💗💗💗
We will learn that food is not "good or bad"
Food is Food
We will have emails, pdfs. Just in case you forgot, this will be a NO JUDGEMENT zone
Simply put, no matter what you decide. REGARDLESS of whether you purchase or not. I want you to feel powerful, not powerless. Community coaching has been proven time and again to be beneficial
The goal is not just to lose weight
I am here to change the way you think about food. So that you can develop a harmonious relationship with food
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